AVGN vs The Irate Gamer (an observation)

30 11 2009

I’ve been seeing the word meme a lot lately, and it piqued my interest. So this post is about memes.

A meme is…
Wikipedia says it’s pronounced like “cream”.
Ultimately a cultural inside joke (especially on a subcultural level).

Enter the Angry Video Game Nerd.


From all the information I’ve read tonight (and my sources have relied completely on user-created documents). The AVGN was some nerd who reviewed old NES games on Youtube, about twenty years after it could have been relevant. This kid produced enough profanity-laced (and not particularly funny) reviews of old games to put together a DVD, which he sold to his fans (or most likely, just friends and well-wishers).

Enter The Irate Gamer. Accused of plagiarizing the above nerds reviewing style. This kid appeared about two weeks after the AVG nerd.

That issue of plagiarism was tossed around until an “internet war” began between the two factions. Flaming, trolling, and all sorts of point-dexter trickery erupted and the long and overly drawn out battle ended (so I’m told) with a sheepish apology from The Irate Gamer. You can wiki these poor souls, the Angry Nerd, James D. Rolfe, and, the Irate one, Chris Bore.

It’s a pretty nerdy story, but when you break it all down and look at it. These two kids built an army of haters and came to nerdy, online blows. All that effort and agitation over a stolen bit of unfunny material.

This is exactly why you should try to disconnect from all this social media. Or at least drawing a clear line as to when enough is enough. Do you really want to waste your time fighting over who told a joke first? That’s not the big picture though. This little history-bite was witnessed by about 300 thousand people. Sides were taken and tempers flared.

Just look what we’ve become.